Physical Education

Basic Vocabulary

Your teacher uses this vocabulary in every lesson.

It's very important for you to know it, so you can understand the lessons.

Come here, please: You must go where the teacher is and form in a semi-circle.
Silence, please: Do not speak
Please, stay put: You must not make noise and you must not move.
Be quiet: Do not shout or speak loud
Pay attention: Look to your teacher an listen to what he says.
To blow the whistle: The teacher makes a noise with the whistle so you pay attention.
Roll the mouse over the different parts of the body you must know:

1. They are very important to describe all the exercises we do in class:

To stand: estar de pie  (to stand up:aixecar-se)
To sit: seure
To lie down: tombar-se
To walk: caminar
To run: córrer 
To sprint: córrer ràpid
To slow down: anar a poc a poc
To hurry up: donar-se pressa
 To chase: perseguir
To follow: seguir
To tilt: inclinar-se
To turn: girar
To bend: inclinar-se, doblegar
To pass: passar
To receive: rebre
To throw: llançar
To carry  (or to transport): transportar
To steal: robar (stealing tails game)
To push: per empènyer
To pull: tirar (d'una cosa)
To form a line: formar una filera o línia 
To form a semi-circle: un semicercle
To form pairs: fer parelles
To form groups of three/four... : fer grups de tres o quatre 
Prepositions are also very important to describe movements. Here  you have some examples:

TO TURN:                      
to the right         to the left

The warm up is basic in Physical Education. We do it everyday, so it is the first thing you must learn.


A warm up is a series of exercises you do before physical activity, to prepare your body for it. 

For example, before playing an intense sport you can run slowly to warm your muscles and your heart.
Warm ups must prepare the muscles for the activity.
There are very different warm ups, (high intensity, low intensity, for basketball, for tennis...)
So, the warm-up volleyball players do is different from the one footballers do.

Benefits of the warm up:

If you do a good warm up, you get: 

1) Protection against injuries
2) Better performance

And also:                    
-You increase your body temperature.-Your joints move more efficiently
-Oxygen in blood travels faster.  -Muscles move faster and with more strength
-Your muscles extend more and are more elastic                -You react faster
1. Movements of your joints.
This is the first part, and it must have a low intensity. We move our arms in circles forwards and backwards, we draw circles with our hips...
2. A small run.
This is to warm up your heart and lungs, and also the muscles.
3. Exercises similar to the sport you are going to play and/or a game.
In this part, you warm up the muscles you use in the sport or activity.
This part must be progressive in intensity. It must start slow and increase the intensity.
It must end at a intensity similar to the sport you are going to practise.
4. Stretching of the main muscles.
This makes the muscles more flexible, prevents injuries and also helps the muscles to develop more power.

You can watch a warm-up in the folowing video. It is divided in different parts but that does not mean it is not correct: